In 2013 we provided a new classroom for one of the more disadvantaged schools in the region at Dhadakarka. The older classrooms had mud floors and the walls were cracking as monsoon rains swelled the nearby stream. The vibration from boulders being swept down the stream was destroying the foundations of the existing classrooms. In 2015 the whole school including the new classroom was destroyed by the earthquake and in 2016 we raised enough funding to rebuild the school which we opened in November 2015
We have also:
- Provided a new Central Resource Library comprising the adaptation of a building, a solar panel and two laptop computers & books.
- Provided new floors and furniture in the classrooms of Shree Ganga Jamuna Primary School.
- Instigated the provision of a much needed water supply for Mahendro Daya Lower Secondary School by the Italian charity Mandi Namaste.
- Brought books, stationery and science equipment, donated by UK schools and allocated to schools in Phulkharka.
- Following the earthquake we have provided 56 desks, 118 chairs, 25 cupboards and 56 whiteboards to 18 schools in the Phulkharka region. These were made by local craftsmen and helped to provide jobs and a sense of purpose for the community in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake. without this furniture teaching could not have resumed in the temporary classrooms.
During our visit to Nepal in 2022 we opened the KASIN Teachers’ Training Centre at Tamang Kharka School, providing a photocopier, laser-printer, digital projector, computer and furniture.