If you have time, please read this lovely story from our Health Educator, Manisha! Stories like this reassure us that our efforts in Nepal are very worthwhile!
“Nine months ago, one student dropped out of school and was not interested in continuing classes. He was only 11 years old, and it’s too soon to drop out of school. Parents and teachers have done many things, like home visits, meetings with parents, and parent counseling.As nothing worked, parents were about to give up. One day, I and the teacher health promoter went to visit that house, met the parents, counseled them, and gave them different ideas to make him get to school. And now, after many months of silence, that boy is finally agreeing to continue his study. With only a little counseling, we have managed to make him want to study. We are very proud of that.I feel so happy!“

Manisha helping out at the women’s health camp